Saturday, November 7, 2009

gameday in the pilgreen house

we are a house divided today.

every other saturday in the fall, we cordially watch each other's teams and may even cheer them on at times. today is not one of those days.

alabama vs. lsu. 2:30. it is kind of a big game.
we'll see which one of us is still smiling after the game is over... :)
*update:* in continuing to be a good sport, i think you can assume who was smiling more immediately following the game. luckily, neither one of us have frustration over football that lasts for more than 5 minutes so all is (and was) well in the pilgreen house! :)


  1. I actually thought of you guys when we turned the game on. GO BAMA!

  2. Love this! Love yall! You're getting a call soon!

  3. ROLL TIDE! Geaux Tigers! I will say both as to not offend either of you, but we all know which I say louder. And we won't talk about the outcome of the game because that needs not be done but i will say I had one heck of a time at the game and loved every minute of it! It was quite a treat to go to an SEC game! Loved it! Love the post! And I have written way more words than just Awesome, or cool deal, so there ya go LAP! Oh, and as soon as i arrived back in town today and saw the garrett kids emily was checking your blog because she is apparently anticipating an update to the blog about who one...I think she is anticipating a picture that has one of you smiling and one of you frowing...I dont know, she just told me that her and ellie had been checking everyday to see if you updated it about the game.
