Sunday, December 13, 2009

the hills are alive with the sound of music

for a wonderful birthday present in december, lee and i went to see The Sound of Music last night here in houston. in case you don't know this about me, The Sound of Music is a pillar of my childhood. nearly every time i spent any significant amount of time at my grandparents' house and got my choice of movie-watching, i always picked The Sound of Music. originally, my grandparents had it on vhs recorded from nbc in the late 80's (awesome vintage commercials and all). then, we bought my grandmother the special edition vhs so we did not have to fast-forward through the commercials anymore. finally, the special edition dvd came out with interviews with the entire cast and more, so (of course) we purchased her that version as well. once i started building my own dvd collection, i had to include my own copy as well. now, maybe you have some idea of how special this movie is to me and my family.

in fact, i just happen to have an amazing husband who knows all of this about me and jumped at the opportunity to make to the theater version of one of my favorite classic movies. lee enjoys the theater as much as i do so it really turned out to be a win-win for both of us.

i know you are not supposed to take pictures inside the theater, but i always do, with no flash. :)


  1. I love watching the old commercials on VHS television recordings!

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed this! I did too! (We went last week.) My story is much like yours...
    every time we went to my grandma's it was the movie of choice. In our case, it was a recorded Beta tape! :) In fact, I had not even seen the whole thing unedited until years later and realized that they cut out some of the funniest scenes to shorten the tv version. (especially love the blue, cold strawberries)

    I think they did a great job on this performance and I really enjoyed it too.

  3. I don't know exactly if it is the same one we saw in Canada but if so I'm sure you loved it! We know you were very excited about going to see it! Love you! And miss you!
