Monday, February 1, 2010

these are a few of my favorite (random) things

with the lack of exciting blog/photo-worthy, i feel like i need to redeem myself with some kind of post. here is a list of some of my favorite things we have been up to lately:

- connecting our computer (that has the blu-ray player) to the tv
- rewatching season 5 of LOST on blu-ray
- beginning beth moore's study at first baptist (this is a lindsey only thing since lee can't go) :)
- working out together (and trying to work out more often)
- enjoying a much-overdue trip to Le Peep for breakfast
- sharing news about our future in san francisco with lots of family and friends

the 365 blog needs to be updated and will be...soon. just give me a couple of days.

stay tuned in the month of february...our super bowl party, a trip to louisiana, opening day of aggie baseball, and more are all to come!

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