Thursday, July 29, 2010

have yourself a blue bell country day

do they still sing that song on the blue bell commercials? that is the one i remember.

more important than jingles is the fact that i had the opportunity to tour the original blue bell creamery in brenham, tx this week! katy and the garrett kids invited me on another summer field trip. how could i turn down a first like this?! we were also enjoyed by the snelgrove girls and their babysitter, katherine (who were also on the first "field trip" i took to the houston zoo with the garretts last summer).

apparently, they used to show a video of the history of blue bell as the beginning of the tour, but they do not do that anymore. i did not know what i was missing out on so it did not phase me in the least. i enjoyed seeing how the ice cream is made and packaged...i even learned there is a perfectly legitimate reason for why the top always seems to be stuck on when you first open a half gallon of blue bell. i did enjoy the free sample of my triple caramel ice cream at the end of the tour though! check it out...i think it is a new flavor.

we were not allowed to take pictures during the tour, but we did take plenty in the store and outside with the "cow and girl" statue that we all see on their packages. what a fun time!

i thought it was even more fitting that a picture set in an old-fashioned ice cream parlor be in black and white!
if you blend these two pictures together, every kid is smiling and looking at the camera! ha.
i asked the kids if any of them wanted to take a picture with me by the old delivery truck, and they all did! crazy kids.

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