Thursday, June 7, 2012

zoo day!

i have been anticipating brendan's first zoo trip for quite some time now.  i knew that he might be completely oblivious to everything around him, but i also knew there might be a chance that he could enjoy part of it as well.  if nothing else, the boy already loves being outside so that helps!

to add to the fun, i opened the invitation to many of my girl friends at dinner monday night...the more, the merrier, right?!  two girls said yes so we began planning our group outing.  not until later did i realize that one of these friends has zoo membership that got us all in for free!  yes!

we arrived shortly before the parking lots opened so we were able to walk in as soon they opened the gates.  let me just say that i may never go to the houston zoo during the summer in the afternoon again...the morning is totally the way to go.  unfortunately, a couple of the main exhibits were closed today, but we still got to see giraffes, rhinos, lions (who were actually up & moving for once!), elephants, and a really cool dinosaur (think animatronic...(spelled right?)) exhibit that is here for the summer.  overall, it was a great day!
excited for the zoo!
brendan and dax taking in the dinosaur exhibit...not sure how they feel about it
justin and railey
i have no words...
adults can have fun the children's zoo area too!
railey was not at all impressed with the dads
dax, on the other hand, wanted a turn at the slide
brendan liked the petting zoo...i think he will really enjoy it when he can walk around himself
water break!
brendan was telling railey how bummed he was that the chimp exhibit was closed
if you look closely, you can see a tiger between us!
love these guys!
happy pilgreens after a fun zoo day
mommies and babies

1 comment:

  1. It is worth getting up early to get to the zoo when it opens! Parking is better, it is less crowded, and the temperature is bearable.
