Wednesday, February 25, 2009

muggles, quidditch, spells, & more!

that's right. i have become one of of those who has fully embraced the world of harry potter. no, no...contrary to what some said in the height of their popularity, the books in no way change my religious beliefs or cause me to want to practice magic or any other silliness that some might associate with the books.
the books do, on the other hand, keep me quite compelled to follow the lives of harry, ron, hermoine, and the other students and teachers through their years at hogwarts (this is actually the link to the upcoming universal studios harry potter-themed park). i am currently on the third book and it is by far the best (in my opinion) of the first three. i feel strongly that i will be caught up in plenty of time for the newest movie to arrive in theaters later this summer. lee is beside himself with the fact that i am growing to enjoy them more and more with each book. he was right...i did not know what i was missing.
due to work and school, this is essentially the only reading i am doing at the time (that i enjoy). it sure beats anything out of here . yuck.

1 comment:

  1. I have yet to read them...but Lee and Olivia garrett as well as many other folks really stand by them as superb works of literature! Have fun reading!
