Friday, February 20, 2009

take me out to the ballgame

today is a great day in our house. more like, today is a great day for lee and i am the supportive wife. but i embrace this role, really (hence this post). today marks the beginning of college baseball. that's right ladies and gentlemen, it is time to head to the ballpark and settle in for the next few months.

so whether we are watching the aggies on via the internet or watching alabama live and in person, just because lee secretly enjoys cheering on the tide loves baseball THAT much, we will be fully invested in baseball for the next few months.

oh and don't think i forgot major league baseball! no. no. nothing compares to the chicago cubs in our house people. in fact, i am currently in the virtual waiting room (who knew there was such a place?!) on their website to purchase our tickets for this summer. i have been waiting for an hour and a half so unfortunately virtual does not mean fast. here's to hoping i get in and purchase the tickets before the day is over!

**update** after 4 hours...i got the tickets :)

1 comment:

  1. You are such a great wife! My favorite part about baseball games are the yummy hot dogs! :)
