Tuesday, July 10, 2012

family beach vacation

to conclude our summer travels, we met the weeks family for a few days in destin.  yes, i went twice :) but this was my first trip with the guys.  this was also our first official family vacation (aka, our first trip minus extended family).

our friendship with the weeks family proves that distance is simply a word when it comes to great friends.  when we moved away from tuscaloosa, we were all still newlyweds trying to figure things out, and now we have 3 babies between the two families!

back on topic....the beach!  we loved having so much time to hang out and catch up, and we were highly entertained at all waking hours by the babies.  aside from some progressively thick humidity, the weather was nice and sunny.  we discovered that if we ever need the assistance of a sound machine for brendan, we know what sound to set it to...the ocean!  seriously, this kid fell asleep within 15 minutes of being on the beach both days!  cade and adeline loved the sand, waves, and kites flying in the sky.
coriell's mom appliqued some adorable shirts for all the kids which set up the perfect opportunity for some adorable photo shoots with the kids and family shots for all of us.

adam and coriell, we cannot wait for the next trip!
 as fun as all of these travels were, pulling into our driveway after the 10 hour drive from destin was so sweet.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are great. I love the one where you zoomed in on him. He just looks too grown up :(
