Saturday, July 7, 2012

summer vacay, part 1

the first leg of our summer vacation excursion began in louisiana where i left lee and brendan with the guys (and eva), and i headed to the beach with emily, erin, and emma.  to say we were excited about this trip would be an understatement.  it had been 3.5 years since i had been to destin so this was a much anticipated, well overdue trip.

we met up with shauna at our condo, unpacked, and made our way to the beach.  we thought the waves looked a little choppy, but we had no idea just how rough they would get before the week was out.  we all walked in the water and then hopped in the pool before a yummy dinner from shauna.  that pattern became our typical schedule for most of the week.  we enjoyed the day by alternating between the beach and pool and followed that up by a yummy meal made by someone different for the first three days.  one evening we enjoyed the candymaker, a cute store right behind our condo, on our post-dinner walk.  our last evening was our night out.  we all dressed up and headed to the marlin grill at baytown wharf.  YUM.  i cannot forget to mention our delicious breakfast we had one morning at another broken egg.  everything from the fancy to chocolate milk to the blackberry grits to the overflowing plates of delicious food was a hit.
emma's initial reaction to the beach
while i was gone, lee and brendan managed to have a good time in louisiana as well ;).  they spent the days with GJ and often with uncle walter, jonah, and eva and uncle zach, joe, miles, and will as well.  brendan discovered his love for kitchens, both real and play.  he went on walks with GJ and "helped" uncle zach in his backyard.

it was my first time to be away from brendan that long and lee's first time to stay with brendan for that long, but we all had a good week.  i am still so thankful for the opportunity to spend a few relaxing days at the beach.  friday night, we were all reunited and saturday we made our way to alabama.

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